Well it is finally here, and believe it or not, I am ready.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Lori Anderson for putting on such a fun event. I would also like to thank my bead soup partner Therese Frank; your generosity and the beautiful assortment of beads and things you send me were just amazing. Thanks so much for making my first bead soup party an enjoyable experience. I would not have been able to create such lovely pieces without your beautiful gift of beads. Now on with the show…..
My first piece is called KEY TO MY HEART
Green jade, dark green lamp work focal bead, copper closure and the brass key over the heart came from my partner

Matching earrings made with green jade and the
lovely center piece of filigree copper and Czech fire polished round are more pieces from my bead partner.
My second piece is a ring that is called MEMORIES
Each stone in the ring signifies a memory I
will have from my first bead soup party and partner. The stones are red Creek
jasper from Therese (bead soup partner). Wire is sterling silver and gold plate.
Finally just to have some fun, I made a plant
spike, for me. I used the beautiful blue butterfly beads my partner sent and
some from my own stash. I also attached a small gift to me, from me. I
contacted one of my favourite wire artist/teacher’s and asked if I could follow
one of her tutorial (Butterfly earrings by Abby Hook) and attached them to my
spike, once the plant has died (yeah, that’s right no green thumbs here) I will
carefully remove the wire holding the 2 –halves together and presto a pair of
Thanks for stopping by! Happy bead bloggen!